Free Therapy
The Path to Light Healing and Empowerment Center located in Queens, New York offers some free distant Energetic Therapy to all who request it. Not all distant therapy methods are free, but many are. For some of the techniques, because of energetic implications, we request you make a donation according to your budget. We believe that if we can help with easing pain or help somebody in difficult situations, nobody should be refused because of financial reasons.
The free therapy is performed by experienced light workers using various methods. The therapy will be performed daily for a week or more if you submit repeated requests. Our list of people that ask for therapy is updated weekly. If you need us to help you for longer periods, please submit a request every week. There are no fees or limits for repeated requests.
You can request therapy for yourself or for somebody you know. In case you want to request therapy for somebody else, we ask that you tell the person and ask for her/his approval to do so. We do respect everybody’s free will. Exceptions to this rule are small children in your care, emergencies, adults you are responsible for and people in mental or physical incapacity of giving their approval.
We will greatly appreciate feedback. We will also appreciate any opinion you might want to share.
To request free therapy, please use the contact us field to email us. Please include your name, city, email and a description of the reason you need therapy. You will be contacted back for confirmation.
Your information is confidential. We will not share your information outside the therapy group.
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