Where does divinity hide?

25. September, 2015All Categories, Ancient gods and believesNo comments

There is a Hindu legend about a time when all humans were gods, but they abused that divinity. They so abused it that Brahma, the chief god,  decided to take it away from them and hide it where they would never find it again.


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17. September, 2015All CategoriesNo comments

Boy_sad_holding_handWhere is the courage, the light in the eyes? Sad people paralyze life. People tired of life kill the joy. Gloomy people bury the faith. People without faith are planting the seeds of despair. Fear devours our energy and bring people to exhaustion. Panic anesthetizes the power we need daily. Children seek the light in adult’s eyes. And they are off … parents lose their children’s hearts and thus die a little for their ingratitude.

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